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Shaw Cross School Councillors and Happiness Heros

Congratulations to all our newly elected School Councillors and Happiness Heros.

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Wrap-Around Care Places Available!!

We offer wrap-around care from 7.45am up to 6pm for children in Nursery and School (age 3 years to 7 years old) . If you are interested in your child attending any of these sessions, please contact the school office for further information (01924 325319 or email: office@shawcrossinfants.co.uk)

Nursery Places

Your child can start our nursery the term after their 3rd birthday. If you would like to register your child for a Nursery place at Shaw Cross, please click here to download an application form and return it to the school office (by post or emailed to office@shawcrossinfants.co.uk).  We will need a copy of your child's birth certificate when you return the form. Please note: we are unable to offer a place without the birth certificate. 

For futher enquries, please contact us on 01924 325319 or email office@shawcrossinfants.co.uk

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