Home Learning
We have an email address specifically for any queries regarding home learning. Please email us at homelearning@shawcrossinfants.co.uk. Any general queries, please email the school office.
Any work on this page would be suitable for children from Nursery to Year 2. Please select the work you feel is appropriate for your child.
For lessons to support phonics Click here
For White Rose Maths please click on the logo below.
Please go to the Key Stage 1 page (link above) if you wish to download printable worksheets to go with the lessons.
For Letters and Sounds Phonics lessons please click on the link above:
When on the link, scroll down and select the appropriate age group for your child. Daily lessons can then be accessed.
Oak National Academy:
The government has an online national academy where you can access lots of video lessons and ideas/resources for home learning for children from reception to year 11. Click below and follow the links to find your child's relevant year group (reception found in early years/foundation stage, and year 1 and 2 found in Key Stage 1) and select from different subjects across the curriculum.
Library Adventures
Physical, Mental Health and Wellbeing click for details
Key Stage 1 Oak Academy gymnastics lessons
British Red Cross wellbeing activities
Coping Strategy Ideas
Stress Bucket Sheet
Worry Jar Worksheet
Yoga Story:
Click here to access the Yoga Story that children in Nursery and Reception use, however this is suitable for all to use.
Additional Homework: Please click on the links below to access additional work for your child if needed.
National Geographic Kids - A range of resources to support research across different subjects.
BBC Live Lessons: Primary school programming, including BBC Live Lessons.
News: BBC Newsround - For current affairs/news updates at an age appropriate level
We Are Teachers How Things Are Made - Science/Technology link with videos showing how a range of everyday objects are made
British Red Cross - for advice and activities on supporting wellbeing, learn first aid, kindness activity pack
Top Marks - A range of maths games for 3-5yrs/5-7yrs
BBC Bitesize - Free on-line lessons supporting subjects across the curriculum
Oxford Owls e-book library - An on-line library of e-books that are colour banded to match your child’s ability. Class login details have been sent in your home learning packs.
Mathszone - A range of maths games
ICT Games - A range of games to support literacy and numeracy
Here are a few practical maths ideas which you may like to try while you are at home which will also get your child up and moving. Click here
White Rose Maths - click here
Can we also remind you that every child in school has access to online activities on Purple Mash using their own password. While we wish to encourage you to keep up with some home learning, please be realistic with this so that you are also taking care of your child's and your own mental health and wellbeing.